Thames Valley Fly Dressers

A Branch of the Fly Dressers' Guild

Surrey Branch Auction - 22nd March 2025

Save the date - Saturday 22nd March 2025.

Surrey Fly Dressers' Guild Branch are holding an auction of fly fishing and fly tying goods and materials.
Cornerstone Centre, Camphill Rd, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6EH

Viewing from 10.00 am for prompt start at 12.00 noon.

Catalogue available in early March. 

If you wish to enter any items in the auction, please complete the lotting form and return it to Chris Reeves at by 28 February, together with confirmation of how you will get the auction items to him. 

There will be a lotting fee of 25p per item which will be included in the 10% seller fee retained by the branch. Items to be sold with reserves may attract a higher lotting fee.