Minutes TVFDG Branch AGM on Thursday 2nd January 2025
Venue: The Baskerville Arms, 7 Station Road, Lower Shiplake, RG9 3NY
Minutes of previous meeting: matters arising.
Chair’s Report.
Treasurer's Report.
Secretary's Report.
Instructor’s Report.
Web Managers Report.
Election of Officers.
Richard Elbro (Treasurer)
Richard Bird
Phil Mann
Richard Ellis
Peter Watson (Instructor)
Geoff Wilcox (Chairman)
Simon Walter (Website manager)
Charles Lowe
Gary Smith
Richard Logan
Peter Huggard (Secretary)
John Alcock
John Watkins
John Perry
David Jennings
The Chairman called the meeting to order @ 19:25
Minutes of 2024 AGM were previously circulated, no matters arising. Richard Ellis proposed; Phil Mann seconded. Minutes accepted.
Chair’s Report
Chair thanked all and made specific reference to Peter Watson for his bi-monthly reminders and keeping members focused on fly tying and FDG competitions.
Treasurer’s report
Paper copies circulated.
Healthy situation. Sole, modest, expenditure is only on domain name.
Initial attractive interest rate account has decreased.
No subscription fees for 2025: Proposed Richard Bird; Charles Lowe seconded. Agreed unanimously.
Secretary’s Report
Previously circulated. Grateful acknowledgement expressed to Simon Walter and John Alcock for website work.
Instructor’s Report
Previously circulated. Tying materials from game birds and waterfowl are available: just ask Peter Watson.
Unanimous vote of appreciation and confidence passed in Peter Watson carrying on as instructor.
Web manager’s report
The meeting appreciated Simon Walter’s work in setting up the new website.
Simon is happy to post pictures sent to him: Christmas meal picture is on website already.
AI: Peter Watson and Geoff Wilcox to organize a tying program to be put on the website by Simon Walter. Programme to emphasis “Beginners welcome”.
Election of Officers
All current officers indicated their willingness to stand for another year.
Richard Ellis proposed en-masse re-election
Phill Mann seconded.
All officers re-elected.
Charles Lowe thanked for sorting out new venue. Those present agreed that it was an improvement and, subject to the action below, that we would use it in future.
AI: Charles Lowe to confirm with the Baskerville management that we can use the venue to tie until the end of the session, first Thursday in May.
Publicity: Gary Smith thanked Richard Ellis for his articles on tying flies in the FDG magazine.
Safety: Gary Smith strongly recommend lifejackets always to be worn by members while wading. John Watkins, via the secretary, reminded members of the use of the what3words.com facility to label fishing locations, especially when in the remoter parts of the UK.
AI: Secretary to inform central guild of officers and meeting details.
AI: Secretary to try and locate camera and tripod, as we may start to project examples of tying again.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:04.