Thames Valley Fly Dressers
The Chairmans Up-wing Trophy: 2020
Open competition all levels.
The trophy will be awarded to the winner on the last Thursday of April each year.
The prize for the winner:
The ‘Up-wing Trophy’ to be held for the year, and a day on a Chalk Stream, fly-fishing
for Trout and Grayling.
The Tying and criteria for selection:
Each year, an up-wing fly will be selected, by the Chairman.
The 3 flies to be tied for 2020:
Procloeon Pennulatum
commonly known as Large Spurwing
Nymph Nymph
Emerger or Emerger
Spinner Dunn
Photo’s of Standard of entries received for the 2019 Yellow May Fly competition
Matching the hatch is the theme to be followed, so the more accurate and natural the
rendition the better, as this will form the basis for assessment.
Each entry (one only per member) of the 3 flies will need to be researched and a pattern
chosen (members choice). Consideration must be given for each life stage of the fly so
that they are related, in that they are the Nymph, Emerger and Spinner version or Nymph, Emerger, Dunn of the same fly.
This is your vision of what that fly would look like as it moves through its stages of life.
The final decision is the Chairman’s.
The entries will be purchased by the Chairman at a rate to be determined but will be a
minimum of £0.50 pence each making a set of three, £1.50.
The monies raised will be donated by the Chairman to the Thames Valley Branch funds.
The sets of 3 flies, will be donated by the Chairman to Mr Barry Cook. To be sold from
the Cabin and Barn Elms Trout Fishery. The funds raised will be for the Brookfield's
School for Disabled Children.
All entries must be received by the 1st Thursday of April - April 2nd 2020
Geoff Wilcox Chairman