Thames Valley Fly Dressers




TVFD Saturday December 28th 2013     Grayling Fishing

Driving along the road which travels adjacent to the Test, one could not keep from turning the head to keep checking the levels of the river. It had been such a rain sodden week.

All arrived by 8.30am and set off for the river. The river was quite high just below the bank, the flow quite brisk and coloured. A light breeze with a temperature of 4C.

We quickly set up our rods and started to fish. The fish seemed less cooperative than earlier visits in the Grayling season. Bottom end of beat 2 being most productive. Grayling mainly being caught on the nymph with a hot spot of orange or lime green, fished deep. The occasional hatch started prior to lunch when some tried the dry fly.

Lunch was taken at 12.30. Lunch consisting of an array of Christmas fare left over’s. Nigel’s slab of Christmas cake was particularly outstanding.

The afternoon started with some evidence of a hatch, so some of us tried an Elk Hair Caddis scuttling along the top, but soon reverted back to the Nymph.

Fishing stopped at 3.30 pm.

Number caught 35, Taken on Nymphs and Elk hair Caddis. Richard had success on the flies he discussed in his article in the Fly Dresser Guild Magazine (Please note Mr. Elbro).

We could not have picked a nicer day for fishing the Test. Particularly after the bad storms we had experienced in the previous days. The sun came out, the temperature was not too cold ,no rain and little breeze.

Thank you Richard for once again  organizing the Grayling Fishing.