Thames Valley Fly Dressers
Sea Trout Success in South Uist
In mid-October, two Peters and faithful companion Millie drove and ferried two days north and west to South Uist to pursue the fabled sea trout in the lochs for a week.
Fishing on Lochs Bharp, Fada and Roag we caught some 20 sea trout over 1 lb, mostly very fresh and silver, as well as a similar number of finnock (sea trout that have only briefly dipped their fins into salt water) and out of season brown trout to 1.5 lbs. The latter were in excellent condition too.
Several fish were in the 2 lb – 3 lb size and PW caught one of 4lb 4oz, a special fish. In addition, PH landed a grilse of estimated to be about 5 lbs.
We had mixed mild weather, not too windy, wet or sunny and on the way back in calm seas and glorious sunshine we saw whales spouting (at a distance) and a pair of dolphins alongside the ferry.
Our local ghillie, Colin MacKenzie, worked hard all week to hold the boat across the wind and along the drifts close to the banks, generally avoiding getting stuck on the rocks. The peat stain in the water was such that submerged stones were largely invisible.
We stayed in a very well-equipped self-catering cottage in the south of the island with spectacular views across several islands to Barra, although we left soon after dawn and return at dusk each day!